1.1      This paper sets out the list and prioritisation process for the proposal to identify the first tranche of strategic CIL projects.




2.1      The long list of projects can be themed to ten areas as set out below (with the costs only relating to the known costs of the projects):


·                Community provision (£500k) – project includes creation of a concession stand at a Council asset.

·                Connectivity (£7.95m) – projects include enhancements to the Public Right of Way by measures including signage, car parking facilities and surface enhancements.

·                Culture (£6.38m) – projects include creation of gallery/exhibition space and installation of public art.

·                Energy Infrastructure (no cost estimate) – projects include improving electrical capacity at the grid through the provision of net zero infrastructure.

·                Flood management / Coastal defences (£8.2m) – projects regarding coastal flood and erosion risk but excluding the costs being identified in the Environment Agency led long term strategies for coastal management.

·                Highways (£134m) – projects include junction and access improvements on HCC highways (of which Dft would fund 85%).

·                Formal open space / playing pitches (£10.445m) – projects include additional formal pitches, multi-use games areas (MUGAs) and changing facilities.

·                Public Transport (£10.14m) – projects include enhancements to bus services and the Hythe Ferry.

·                Informal open space (£600k) – projects include enhancements to the existing open space owned by the Council.

·                Town centre regeneration (£22m) – projects including regeneration schemes around key towns in the District.

2.2      Each project (as listed in Appendix A) is at a different stage in development with costs often not known or provided on a very indicative basis. On those projects where an indicative cost is known, the total sum is around £200m of which the A326 project totals £125m. If all projects were fully costed, the estimated costs will be significantly more.




3.1      Despite a considerable number of projects being identified to date, there are still some areas where we may wish to consider further exploration, including potential liaison with the private sector in future years. These include (for each, we have summarised why they have not been included at this stage):

·         Education – on the basis that school enrolment numbers are declining within the existing population, and forecast to continue to decline, there is currently limited rationale for including as part of a S106 requirement (thus enabling more affordable homes to be included).

·         Nursery/childcare provision for under 5s – with the recent role out of additional 'free’ hours of childcare provision for those over 2 years old there is expected to be increasing demand for space from this sector. Officers have engaged with HCC Children Services who are currently appraising capacity to accommodate this demand. Taking account

·         Waterside Rail – on the basis that Network Rail/Department of Transport have not indicated an appetite for progressing at this stage.

·         Water

o   Supply issues caused by flood inundation (rainfall), particularly at Testwood, Totton – on the basis that this is an issue that officers are engaging with Southern Water to progress as they are the responsible body for this, alongside the Environment Agency and Hampshire County Council.

o   Waste water treatment works upgrades – these are now required to be upgraded following changes to government regulations, funded by the respective water companies.

·         Utilities provision (e.g. energy providers) – on the basis that they have a duty to connect, and officers are progressing this separately with them. This would also include where and when renewable energy solutions are implemented.

·         Health – on the basis that no specific needs have been identified by the NHS, other than needs arising at Ashurst Hospital which are being addressed through the approved local CIL project spend for 24/25.

·         Leisure/community facilities – no such needs have been identified to date, but could potentially include energy improvement projects as part of infrastructure projects..

·         Skills training – on the basis that this is expected to come through the Freeport process.








4.1      Of the ten themes identified in section 2, officers have sought to refine these in the light of the following key priorities, all of which reflect the Council’s adopted Local Plan and Corporate Plan:


·                Projects emerging through existing strategic community partnership work;

·                Reflecting significant housing growth identified in the adopted Local Plan;

·                Links to opportunity areas in adopted and developing neighbourhood plans or through the council’s Solent Freeport Delivery Plan;

·                Links to recreational mitigation projects and wider infrastructure projects (e.g. flood mitigation works with the Environment Agency);

·                Links to enhancing council assets for the benefits of our communities; and

·                Likely value for money/benefit to cost ratio based on preliminary officer judgement.

4.2      Following this assessment, the following four key themes are identified as performing best against these priorities:

·                Connectivity

·                Town centre regeneration

·                Informal open space

·                Community provision


4.3      Taking account of these key themes, 5 projects were identified that it was felt scored highly within those themes and could be delivered using a proportion of held funds.  it is considered that at this stage a pot of around £4.5m should be made available to progress the following projects over the next 3 years (to 2027).


·                Ringwood town centre – there are opportunities to invest in strategic projects around the town centre to reflect the proposed development in the area,  The proposed  project (‘Thriving Market Place’) is being developed in partnership with Ringwood Town Council and Hampshire County Council to reinvigorate the Market Place. This project aligns with:

o   People Priority 2: Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

o   Prosperity Priority 1: Maximising the benefits of inclusive economic growth and investment

o   Prosperity Priority 2: Supporting our high-quality business base and economic centres to thrive and grow

·                Milford on Sea seafront – There is an opportunity to invest in a strategic project around the current public conveniences. The proposed project will take a holistic view of this frontage in terms of our assets and what opportunities there may be for developments and enhancements The Council are currently awaiting results of a structural survey on the building. As part of the project the whole frontage requirements will need to be considered, particularly with regards to flood and erosion risk measures as detailed in the Christchurch Bay Strategy. This project aligns with:

o   People Priority 2: Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

o   Place Priority 1: Shaping our place

o   Place Priority 2: Protecting our climate, coast and natural world

·                Bath Road Lymington – There is a project for the redevelopment of site including play area, recreational habitat mitigation and flood defence works. The land is owned by the Town Council who are keen to see improvements at the site. Flood and erosion matters will need to be considered as part of the masterplanning work. This project aligns with:

o   People Priority 2: Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

o   Place Priority 2: Protecting our climate, coast and natural world

·                Totton town centre regeneration – Through the development of a Town Centre Masterplan, a number of projects could be identified for implementation of both strategic and small scale. This project aligns with:

o   People Priority 2: Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

o   Place Priority 1: Shaping our place

o   Prosperity Priority 1: Maximising the benefits of inclusive economic growth and investment

o   Prosperity Priority 2: Supporting our high-quality business base and economic centres to thrive and grow

·                Forestry England walkingroutes – The establishment of a wider multiuser trail network using pre-existing gravel tracks and trails to link New Forest communities and places of interest. The project includes new wayfinding and waymarking of the trail network and the upgrade of a number of broken links to connect established gravel tracks.  This project aligns with:

o   People Priority 2: Empowering our residents to live healthy, connected and fulfilling lives

o   Place Priority 2: Protecting our climate, coast and natural world

4.4      These projects provide a reasonable representation of the prioritises against the ten key strategic themes of projects identified across the plan area, and delivers projects where development has (and will) take place as part of the current Local Plan.


4.5      By identifying a release of £4.5m as this first round of identifying projects at a strategic CIL level, it allows the Council to retain a significant amount of money to review further opportunities and potential funding as part of the Solent Freeport Business Plan and have funding to react should new priorities emerge. Over the 3-year period there will also be the opportunity to identify further funding through the Freeport Delivery Plan and further strategic CIL projects.


4.6      Until a baseline infrastructure position is established, it is acknowledged that there may be some existing infrastructure needs that have yet to be identified. In addition, as the Council embarks on a Local Plan Review, it is likely that additional infrastructure needs will be identified which may be suitable for funding from CIL. 



Appendix A – Call for ideas list of projects



Project Name

Project Location


Type of infrastructure

Cost (if known)


Community provision

Calshot Concession 

Calshot Beach – slipway car park 

Provision of a facility to be operated as a concession. 



Delivery 2025/26 

Flood management

Supporting Future FCERM Projects 

Christchurch Bay

Provision of flood and erosion risk management defences to better protect our coastline 

·  Strategic Flooding

·  Climate Change/Net zero

·  Other

£500k per year

Strategy is due to be adopted late Spring 2024. Following this business cases will need to be developed for each option. Delivery to be over next 15 years circa 

Flood management

Milford-on-Sea Coast protection Scheme 

Milford on Sea

Provision of rock structure to coastal frontage to protect concrete seawall 

·  Strategic Flooding

·  Climate Change/Net zero

·  Other


Strategy is due to be adopted in late Spring 2024. Following this business cases will need to be developed for each option. Delivery to be over next 15 years circa 

Quality improvements

Langdown walk/Tates Copse paths


The existing paths are unattractive and potentially discourage many users from accessing these areas or recreating within this space. They may also present slip/trip hazards during some weather conditions. 


This proposal aims to renovate existing desire lines and supplement these with new pathways to connect other woodland path/routes. This presents several benefits (outlined below), including recreation mitigation and promoting active green travel choices. 

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  GI

·  Strategic Flooding

·  Leisure/Community Facilities

·  Public transport improvements

·  Provision of health facilities

·  Climate Change/Net zero

·  Other


June 2024 – June 2027

Informal open space

Bath Road, Lymington


Redevelopment of site including play area, recreational habitat mitigation and flood defence works

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  GI

·  Strategic Flooding

·  Leisure/Community Facilities





Enhancements to PROW in Fordingbridge 


Enhancements to a number of PROW in and around Fordingbridge, particularly around the locations of the main strategic sites that are currently being implemented. 

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Public transport improvements



town centre regeneration

Totton Town Centre Regeneration 


To be determined through the development of a Town Centre Masterplan.




town centre regeneration

Ringwood Thriving marketplace


To be determined through the development of a project between HCC, NFDC and RTC




community provision

Milford on Sea Public conveniences

Milford on Sea

Awaiting results of a structural survey on the building. That may tell us that we can invest a relatively small £ to keep the building ticking over while we plan, or it could tell us we need to replace ASAP or risk the building needing to be closed altogether





Cultural Infrastructure Development Project


Improved cultural infrastructure across the district. This could include, but not limited to:

·   New and/or improved gallery/exhibition space.

·   Creative health hubs for the delivery of preventative and early intervention creative community programmes.

·   New artist/creative/maker studios.

·   Performance rehearsal and performance spaces.

·   Consideration for existing under-utilised community assets to be developed in line with cultural strategy.

·   Expansion and development projects at existing ‘artistically excellent’ businesses and organisations.

Leisure/Community Facilities





Public Art Programme


To deliver six public art commissions across the district, co-created with the local community. This work is designed to deepen sense of place, pride of place and community cohesion and safety, as well as furthering our ambitions to make arts and culture more accessible and visible throughout the district.


Additional aims include:

·   Scope and testing for a longer-term public art programme.

·   To develop a public art policy and/or strategy in partnership with NFDC and NPA planning teams.


Develop legacy community programmes through our ongoing partnership with Culture in Common.

·  Leisure/Community Facilities

·  Other





Transport Projects


Capacity and Junction Improvements along A326

HCC/DfT grant / Developer contributions where there are site specific Impacts.

Local Transport Plan Scheme will provide improved efficiency and capacity of the bypass.


£2.5 million (based on LTP)

Not known


Transport Projects


Access junctions and roundabouts along A36 Salisbury Road

Walking and cycling routes for SS1

HCC / Site Promoter TA Study


Not known

Not known


Transport Projects


Downgrade the existing B3053 (Calshot Road) between site access and Calshot– works to be agreed between Developer and HCC


Walking/cycling route between

site, Fawley Calshot, Blackfield, Holbury


Not known

Fawley Waterside Consortium (within draft S106)


Transport Projects


A338, A31 and B3347 Roundabout - Scope to modify the design and convert the junction to traffic signal control.


Recommendations of mitigation works within Systra report.


Ringwood TAP


Not known

Not known

Public Transport

Public Transport


Improved bus services to Lyndhurst from major train stations and towns at peak times to enable arrival in/departure from Lyndhurst at a time conducive to working hours

Public Transport


Not known

Quality improvements

Changing Rooms


To deliver two changing rooms as ancillary facilities for two public open space playing pitches in our most deprived location (a top decile deprived LSOA on the IMD), replacing current shipping containers

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  Provision of health facilities


Spring 2024

Playing Pitches


New Milton

Provide floodlights on the public open space to facilitate the training and playing of formal activity, supporting the documented shortfall in playing and training facilities in the in the district against current standard and evidenced need. Supporting targeted and informal activity by young people at the newly developed youth club allowing activity afterschool for at risk young people.

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  Provision of health facilities


Summer 2024

Playing Pitches

Pitch and Pavilion


To safeguard the current extension to the recreation ground and the essential rugby pitch. To develop suitable changing rooms for the formal open space on the recreation ground

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Pitch and Pavilion


The purchase of land, laying out of a minimum of three pitches and develop suitable ancillary facilities to address the evidenced short fall in rugby pitches in the town

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite OS

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Pitch improvement


To improve the drainage and therefore the playability of the rugby pitches ensuring that the pitches can be better used

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch


The redevelopment of the artificial pitch to a rugby/football compliant pitch to address the under provision of artificial pitches as evidenced in the New Forest Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities


Summer 2024

Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch


The build a football compliant artificial pitch to address the under provision of artificial pitches as evidenced in the New Forest Football Facilities Strategy and support the lack of playing and training facilities in the district, increasing participation rates, especially with targeted groups.

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch


The build a rugby/football compliant artificial pitch to address the under provision of artificial pitches as evidenced in the New Forest Football Facilities Strategy and support the lack of playing and training facilities in the district, increasing participation rates, especially with targeted groups.


·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch


The redevelopment of the artificial pitch to a rugby/football compliant pitch to address the under provision of artificial pitches as evidenced in the New Forest Football Facilities Strategy


·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities


Summer 2025

Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch

New Milton

The build a rugby/football compliant artificial pitch to address the under provision of artificial pitches as evidenced in the New Forest Football Facilities Strategy and support the lack of playing and training facilities in the district, increasing participation rates, especially with targeted groups.


·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space

·  Provision of health facilities



Playing Pitches

Artificial Grass Pitch

Noadswood School

To replace the AGP with a 7v7 football compliant surface.

As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities




 Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements

New Milton – Fawcetts Field Sports Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space



Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements

Brockenhurst College

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities



Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements

Milford on Sea – Barnes Lane Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space



Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements

Lyndhurst – Coles Mead/Wellands Road Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities




Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements

Fawley – QE2 Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient.

As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities




Playing Pitches 

Pitch improvements

Totton – Testwood Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space




Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements


Hythe- Shore Road playing fields

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities




Playing Pitches 

Pitch improvements


Bransgore Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space




Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements


Hordle Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space




Playing Pitches

Pitch improvements


Pennington Recreation Ground

Improvements to the grass playing pitches to make them more resilient. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities

Provision of offsite Open Space




Playing Pitches

Changing Room development

Hythe Shore Road Playing Fields

Development of changing rooms to support the formal open space. As identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities



Playing Pitches



A pavilion with changing rooms as ancillary facilities to support the cricket and football club that use the formal open space pitches.

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of health facilities 



Playing Pitches

Small sided MUGA

Netley View

Delivery of a small sided informal multi use games area as identified in the Football Facilities Strategy

Provision of leisure and community facilities




Playing Pitches

Small sided MUGA

Heather Road

Delivery of a small sided informal multi use games area as identified in the Football Facilities Strategy 

Provision of leisure and community facilities




Playing Pitches

Club house roof


To replace the roof and air conditioning at the boxing club to

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of health facilities



Formal play



To build a skate park for the young people of Hythe to replace the one that was removed

Provision of leisure and community facilities



Formal play



To build a wheeled park facility for informal activity and play options for older young people. To mitigate impact on the NPA of off-road cycling

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space



Formal play

Changing room pavilion development

Paultons Cricket Club

To support the building of the changing rooms as part of the new pavilion (last one a victim of arson) in easy reach of the developments in north Totton. To address the short fall caused by escalating costs as the building becomes fit for modern purposes

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of offsite Open Space


January 2024

Formal play

Changing rooms and pavilion development


To support the development of the pavilion to be fit for purpose

Provision of leisure and community facilities



Formal play

Layout of pitches and provision of ancillary facilities to support formal open space

Hawkers Fields Totton.

To bring forward the formal open space provision that the space was provided for, helping to address the shortfall of formal open space in the town and displaced local teams.

Provision of leisure and community facilities



Formal play

Ancillary facilities for New Forest Hockey Club


To develop ancillary facilities to support the New Forest Hockey club and create additional community space.

Provision of leisure and community facilities




Energy Infrastructure

Electrical capacity and infrastructure upgrades 

District Wide

Improved electrical capacity (grid access or renewable generation) and infrastructure (including substations and cabling) 

·  Provision of Climate change/net zero infrastructure

·  Other




New Forest Multiuser Trail

Across New Forest National Park / Crown Lands

The establishment of a wider multiuser trail network using pre-existing gravel tracks and trails to link New Forest communities and places of interest. The project includes new wayfinding and waymarking of the trail network and the upgrade of a number of broken links to connect established gravel tracks.

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism





Extending the Castleman Trail into the open Forest

Ringwood to New Forest

Bridging a gap in public access along a disused rail line to provide an off-road route for walking, cycling and horse-riding from Ringwood into the open Forest, providing sustainable travel, green tourism, and support for the local economy.

·  Provision of  off-site open space

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism

·  Other




Avon Valley Path

Fordingbridge/Ringwood area

A strategic approach to improving this walking route through or close to NFDC Strategic Sites 12-18 inclusive, linking communities to each other and to the countryside. Project can be sized to suit budget.

Provision of off-site open space





A waterside path along Southampton Water

Marchwood to


To provide a through route for walkers along the edge of Southampton Water, incorporating Strategic Sites 2 and 3 at Marchwood and 4 at Fawley. This will need feasibility work including discussions with landowners; could potentially be delivered over several years as developments take place.

Provision of offsite open space




Lepe Country Park

Exbury Southampton

Two projects identified in Lepe Masterplan both are from the park masterplan which was developed in response to visitor growth.

Car Park improvements Redesign of the clifftop car park to maximise vehicle numbers as well as reviewing other parking opportunities on site (with the eventual loss of the beach car park). Work includes resurfacing of parking spaces and access roads as well as demarcation and signage.

Heritage & Community Space Design and construction including service provision (e.g. water, power, drainage). The building will probably be modular in construction allowing for flexibility of use and siting.




·  Provision of offsite open space

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities




































Bridge & boardwalk programme for Strategic Sites

Ringwood, Fordingbridge and Fawley

A programme to resolve bridge and boardwalk issues on the rights of way network near Strategic Sites. There is also opportunity to upgrade (e.g. wider bridges with handrails) and/or replace with much longer-lasting materials such as recycled plastic boardwalks. This could be combined with a programme replacing stiles with gates, opening up access to people with mobility difficulties, purchasing gates which are then installed by local volunteer groups.

·  Provision of offsite open space

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism

·  Other




Infrastructure improvements A326

Totton, Marchwood

Improvements to A326

Provision transport improvements




A326 complementary TM measures

Totton, Marchwood and surrounding areas

Traffic management on parallel or side roads near or adjoining A326. Project will improve tranquillity of the Forest area and local settlement

Provision transport improvements



town centre regeneration

Traffic Management

Fordingbridge High Street

Traffic and placemaking scheme in high street

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision transport improvements



town centre regeneration

Regeneration scheme (probably focused on Market Place)

Ringwood – Town centre

Regeneration placemaking scheme for Ringwood. Focus on marketplace and road closure to SRN

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision transport improvements




River walk


River Walk from Station to Lymington Town Sailing Club via Captains Row possibly involving road narrowing and 1-way systems to make a boulevard type walk. Creating an alternative pedestrian scheme potential to also assist with the Redrow issue by creating an alternative option to the bridge

Provision of offsite open space




Traffic Management Plan – identify and reclassify roads.

Wider New Forest area

A plan to identify a New Forest road hierarchy and reclassify each road by its movement and place function in the context of the special character of the New Forest.  Essentially to create a low traffic forest so would involve road closures/gates, improvement of main corridors and a focus on changing the commuter routes that now have much more traffic as a result of development around the National Park.

Provision public transport improvements

Revenue project therefore project cost not identified



Junction improvement A337

New Milton

Placemaking scheme to downgrade scale of junction and improve active travel facilities.


Provision public transport improvements




Active travel improvement B3058

New Milton

Placemaking scheme to downgrade scale of junction and improve active travel facilities. Plus, a small regeneration scheme

Provision public transport improvements



town centre regeneration

Regeneration and Public realm


Public realm and regeneration scheme

·  Provision of leisure and community

·  Other infrastructure

£10M to £20M


Public Transport

Hythe ferry interchange


Hythe Ferry interchange. Modern technologies exist which could see Ferry operation change. On the back of this a new interchange and waterfront opportunity for change potentially exists

·  Other infrastructure

·  Provision public transport improvements




New off road cycle link between Lyndhurst – Brockenhurst


This was an agreed action in the predecessor Partnership Plan (2015-2020) which enjoyed the unanimous support of the local town and parish councils at the time (it was voted on at a New Forest Association of Local Councils’ meeting). There are obvious regulatory hurdles to overcome (e.g. consent from Natural England as it would be on designated SSSI land) but with the emergence of the New Forest LCWIP and our recent success in securing grant funding from Active Travel England, this would be a great project that would enjoy widespread support as a vital piece of infrastructure for the Forest.

·  Provision of offsite open space

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism

·  Other




Signage and interpretation board

Across the District

NFNPA Signage and interpretation boards at key gateway locations to assist visitors and to get key partnership messages across to the public – such as the New Forest Code. If the current PSPOs are to continue and or be extended in scope, then having some CIL funds available to support signage would be helpful.

·  Provision of offsite open space

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism

·  Other




A326 Additional and/or improvements to existing access structure


Additional and/or improvements to existing access structure to support delivery of/enhancements to the A326 improvements, such as upgrading existing underpasses, putting in ecological corridors etc.

·  Provision of offsite open space

·  Provision of leisure and community facilities

·  Provision of sustainable travel and green tourism

·  Other